How Are Dental Practices Keeping Patients Safe During COVID-19?
April 30, 2020

In these uncertain times, it can seem anxiety-inducing to need to visit public spaces where you aren’t able to control what you come into contact with. Your dental practice is providing emergency care and may soon open their doors to patients who need cosmetic and preventive services as well. But, how can you trust that they’re doing everything possible to keep their patients and staff safe? Read om to learn about the precautionary sanitation measures your dental office is following that makes them some of the cleanest establishments open at the moment.
(more…)Dental Pain In Quarantine? Call an Emergency Dentist Instead of Going to the ER!
April 5, 2020

Although there’s never an ideal time to deal with a dental emergency, that’s never been more true than right now during the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of immediately going to the hospital, you should always call an emergency dentist first, most of which are still open for emergency care. Avoiding a trip to the hospital (unless truly necessary) reduces your chance of being exposed to the virus, saves critical medical supplies, and lowers the strain on overworked nurses and doctors. Not to mention that dentists have specialized training and equipment to treat emergencies anyway! Keep reading to learn more and get some great tips for preventing sudden dental problems altogether.
(more…)6 Questions to Ask When Considering a New Dentist
April 3, 2020

Recently, a patient told me that she is moving to Denver and will need to find a new dentist in Lakewood. At North Jacksonville Complete Dentistry, we hate to see any patient leave our practice, but we understand that she wants to find a trustworthy dental office closer to home. For this particular patient, I was able to recommend a specific practice: Lakewood Complete Dentistry. But her situation got me thinking about what I would look for in a new dentist if I were in her shoes. Are you in a similar scenario? I’ve come up with six questions you can ask when determining which dentist to choose as you move!