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Don’t Forget the Toothpaste! 3 Tips for Summer Vacation Dental Care

June 17, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 2:12 pm
Young couple in living room, suitcases packed and celebrating on a pool floaty

You’re no doubt excited for your upcoming summer vacation plans. That’s good, but all the energy and chaos can make it easy to forget your oral health needs! To maintain healthy teeth and protect your trip from dental disasters, take note of these three dental care tips.

#1. Pack Helpful Dental Tools

You can’t take care of your teeth if you don’t have the right tools! As obvious as this is, toothbrushes and floss are more often than not the items you forget at home. Some things, like fluoride toothpaste and pH strips, can be purchased from a store near your destination. However, personalized appliances like Invisalign orthodontics, dentures, and sleep apnea devices can’t be replaced! 

To make sure you pack all your dental essentials, create a checklist a few days before your departure. You might even want to check it twice.

#2. Clean Your Teeth on The Regular

Packing all the dental supplies in the world won’t help if you don’t use them consistently! It can be tempting to skip your oral hygiene routine on vacation, but certain summertime activities can actually leave your teeth more vulnerable to harm. For example:

  • Chlorinated pools are acidic – acidic enough to soften enamel and cause dental staining! To mitigate these effects, brush your teeth with enamel-fortifying fluoride toothpaste before taking a dip and make use of pH strips.
  • Indulging in sugary summer snacks like s’mores, ice cream, and other delights can fuel bacteria. If given enough of a boost, that bacteria will pave the way for tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Movie-night popcorn can also turn into a dental nightmare. Having a kernel stuck between your teeth for a prolonged period is a good way to breed bacteria or cause gum irritation. Remember to put floss on your packing checklist!

They might pose risks for your oral health, but you don’t have to abandon these fun activities completely. Simply take care of your teeth and clean them thoroughly – even when you don’t feel like it.

#3. More Bingeworthy Snacks

Social snacking is a huge part of American culture. Plus, it’s enjoyable! So you might be craving some sugar alternatives. While it’s okay to eat a s’more or two, these are more bingeworthy treats:

  • Cheese and plain yogurt are rich in calcium, which is good for tooth strength.
  • Berries like strawberries and blueberries will give your infection-fighting immune system a good boost.
  • Strangely, raw vegetables (think carrots and celery) can increase saliva production, and saliva helps clean your teeth by washing out loose debris and bacteria.

There are plenty of tasty, tooth-friendly options to choose from when you get the munchies!

Preventative Measures

These four tips will help keep your pearly whites happy and healthy during your trip, but there’s also something you can do before you say “Bon-voyage.” Your dentist can provide the best preventative care available, so make sure a visit is included in your vacation prep!

About the Practice

At North Jacksonville Complete Dentistry, we understand the joy of traveling! However, we also understand that maintaining your oral care during vacation will help you avoid dental emergencies and have more fun. Come on in to our friendly and welcoming office! We’ll get you settled in with a warm coffee or tea, then check your teeth to make sure your pearly whites are beach ready. To contact our team, call 904-751-4958.

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