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How to Maintain Proper Oral Health with Your Dentist in Jacksonville

January 14, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 10:16 pm

A woman brushing her teeth.If you were taught how to take of your mouth as a child, many of these points may seem obvious to you. However, as we age, a lot of that information can get lost in time. We may lose sight of the habits we once had and maybe even stopped including them entirely. Fortunately, your dentist in Jacksonville is here to offer a friendly reminder.

In today’s post, we’ll be discussing the best ways to maintain proper oral health inside and outside the bathroom. If you want to prevent gum disease and tooth decay, this is one blog you won’t want to miss.


Waking Up Exhausted? Get Sleep Apnea Treatment in Jacksonville!

January 5, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 5:36 pm

A woman sleeping.Do you find yourself waking up several times in the middle of the night? Does your significant other have trouble sleeping because you’re constantly snoring? Maybe they’ve even heard you choking as you wake up. Without a proper night’s sleep, staying productive can feel impossible the next day. That’s why your dentist is offering sleep apnea treatment in Jacksonville.

If you haven’t considered sleep apnea to be what’s disturbing your sleep, you definitely aren’t the only one. Millions of people have already been diagnosed with sleep apnea around the country. The question is, do they get it treated?


Managing Gum Disease in Jacksonville Is Crucial!

December 23, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 5:41 pm

It’s a common misconception that gum disease in Jacksonville isn’t a big deal. After all, just how important can the pink tissue that holds your teeth in place be? Don’t let yourself be fooled by naysayers who believe that addressing gum issues isn’t a priority. You can face some big-time consequences if you fail to take the necessary steps to get your oral health back up to par. Your dentist is here to explain exactly why managing gum disease is crucial and how you can stop this problem before you end up in a world of hurt.


What Does a Dentist Look for During an Oral Cancer Screening?

November 22, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 10:27 pm

oral cancer cardWhich disease kills nearly 10,000 people each year and affects nearly 50,000? If you guessed oral cancer, you’re absolutely right. This devastating and serious condition doesn’t get a lot of attention in the media, but it is nothing that should be taken lightly. In fact, it is a good idea for everyone to make a screening for oral cancer in Jacksonville part of their annual routine. What will your dentist look for during the screening?


Visit Your Dentist in Jacksonville Before the Year’s End!

November 5, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 7:01 pm

happy family of fourThe clock is winding down on 2017 — and when the ball drops on New Year’s Eve, we’ll be closing the book on one big year. If you and your family have dental insurance, you could also be saying goodbye to potentially hundreds of dollars worth of unused benefits!


Ask Your Jacksonville Dentist, “Floss or Toothpicks?”

September 26, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 8:22 pm

young woman using toothpickSome of the tastiest treats leave not-so-tasty remains scattered among your teeth. Apples, popcorn, and yummy corn on the cob will leave small particles of food that can decline your oral health if not removed effectively.

When food gets stuck between, the best way to remove it is to brush and floss your teeth. If you don’t have access to those tools, a toothpick can be a convenient way to remove particles from being stuck in your smile. Although they are useful if there are no other tools available to you, your dentist in Jacksonville says that you should only use a toothpick if you have no other dental tools available to you.


Got Milk? A Dentist in Jacksonville Says You Can Save Teeth!

September 16, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 8:18 pm

young boy dental pain lost toothA sport related dental emergency isn’t uncommon. In fact, more than 5 million teeth are avulsed each year and up to 39% of them are connected to athletic activities.

If you have a child that’s a student-athlete, would you know what to do if they lost their teeth on the field? Many would be quick to assume that their teeth are gone forever, but really, your child’s teeth can still be saved if you listen to these tips from your emergency dentist in Jacksonville.


Dentist in Jacksonville Says Yes, You Can Prevent Decay!

August 30, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 7:42 pm

smiling family beside the poolAre you surprised to find you have at least one cavity every time you visit your dentist in Jacksonville? If so, you may feel at a loss for keeping your teeth healthy. But don’t be fooled — tooth decay is not just another fact of life, or something you have to just live with. Cavities are almost completely preventable if you maintain good oral hygiene, a balanced diet, and routine visits to your dentist. Keep reading to learn more about how you can keep those pearly whites pearlier, whiter, and healthier for life!


Comparing Dental Implants vs. Dentures on Dunn Avenue

August 25, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 7:44 pm

woman smiling on a sunlit porchChocolate or vanilla? Mac or PC? Life is always better with options. And when you’ve lost teeth, you will realize you’ve got a number of them to choose from — like dental implants and dentures on Dunn Avenue. Which one is right for you? The answer is, well, it depends. Tooth replacement needs vary from patient to patient based on a number of factors, including your age, budget, health, and personal smile goals. Keep reading to find out which may be best for you from the team at North Jacksonville Complete Dentistry!


Get a Single Visit Crown by Your Dentist in Dunn Avenue

July 10, 2017

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 9:45 pm

Have you considered getting a CEREC crown from your dentist in Dunn Avenue? Dental problems are practically impossible to avoid in a full lifetime. That doesn’t mean that when one strikes, you want to be bogged down with the inconvenience of getting your smile fixed over the next few weeks. Not only that but suffering from tooth pain while you wait to have your smile restored simply isn’t acceptable. Especially, when your local dentist in Dunn Avenue has the advanced technology to address and solve your dental issues much fast than other practices—in one appointment, in fact! If you’ve never heard of CEREC technology, you probably have a few questions on how it can help you.


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