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How Are Dental Practices Keeping Patients Safe During COVID-19?

April 30, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 1:52 pm
person sanitizing a door handle in a dental practice

In these uncertain times, it can seem anxiety-inducing to need to visit public spaces where you aren’t able to control what you come into contact with. Your dental practice is providing emergency care and may soon open their doors to patients who need cosmetic and preventive services as well. But, how can you trust that they’re doing everything possible to keep their patients and staff safe? Read om to learn about the precautionary sanitation measures your dental office is following that makes them some of the cleanest establishments open at the moment.


Dental Pain In Quarantine? Call an Emergency Dentist Instead of Going to the ER!

April 5, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 3:22 pm
First-aid kit used by an emergency dentist

Although there’s never an ideal time to deal with a dental emergency, that’s never been more true than right now during the COVID-19 pandemic. Instead of immediately going to the hospital, you should always call an emergency dentist first, most of which are still open for emergency care. Avoiding a trip to the hospital (unless truly necessary) reduces your chance of being exposed to the virus, saves critical medical supplies, and lowers the strain on overworked nurses and doctors. Not to mention that dentists have specialized training and equipment to treat emergencies anyway! Keep reading to learn more and get some great tips for preventing sudden dental problems altogether.   


6 Questions to Ask When Considering a New Dentist

April 3, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 8:10 pm
dentist smiling

Recently, a patient told me that she is moving to Denver and will need to find a new dentist in Lakewood. At North Jacksonville Complete Dentistry, we hate to see any patient leave our practice, but we understand that she wants to find a trustworthy dental office closer to home. For this particular patient, I was able to recommend a specific practice: Lakewood Complete Dentistry. But her situation got me thinking about what I would look for in a new dentist if I were in her shoes. Are you in a similar scenario? I’ve come up with six questions you can ask when determining which dentist to choose as you move!


Keeping Coronavirus From Affecting Your Oral Health

March 27, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 12:47 pm
person with medical face mask on

Some symptoms of Coronavirus that have officially been named by the CDC include, fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Even though they seem fairly tame, without the proper daily care and maintenance, this virus that has become a widespread pandemic may also impact the health of your teeth and gums. Read on to learn how to keep your oral health on track if you become infected by COVID-19.


Wear Dentures? Learn About 4 Good Reasons Not To Sleep In Them!

March 22, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 4:50 pm
Full upper and lower denture

Among the nearly 40 million Americans who use dentures, it’s fairly common to sleep with them each night. Some people just don’t feel “complete” without their teeth while others are simply forgetful. But it’s important to know that leaving your dentures in 24 hours a day can have surprising consequences for both your oral and overall health. Keep reading to learn about 4 potential complications from sleeping in dentures in North Jacksonville. You’ll also find out how to care for them at home to help them look and feel their best!  


What’s Wearing Down Your Smile? Causes and Solutions for Dental Erosion

February 19, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 1:23 pm

Enamel is the all-important defense system for your teeth, keeping them safe from the forces of biting and chewing as well as attacks from oral bacteria. Unfortunately, despite its strength, it has a rather severe weakness: it can’t repair itself once it has been broken, meaning it’s gone for good. This makes tooth enamel erosion (which can lead to infections and fractures) particularly dangerous for your dental health – meaning you need to avoid it at all cost! Read on to learn about the different causes behind tooth enamel erosion and how you can avoid them.


How Is Gum Disease Related To American Heart Association Month?

February 4, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 2:10 pm
Illustration of the stages of gum disease

Did you know that February is not only American Heart Association Month but also Gum Disease Awareness Month? You may think that’s just a coincidence, but the truth is that your gums and heart are more related than you realize. In fact, it’s thought that people with gum disease (also called periodontal disease) have nearly double the chance of developing heart disease, which is just one more good reason to floss each day! Keep reading to learn more about the link between your gums and your heart and how a dentist can help you stay healthy. 


Is a Sensitive Tooth a Dental Emergency?

January 10, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 8:36 pm
woman tooth sensitivity

One day at lunch, you take a drink of cold water and feel sharp tooth sensitivity that wasn’t there before. You should know you’re not alone. It is estimated that one in eight adults has at least one sensitive tooth. While you’re dealing with this discomfort, many questions can come to mind. Could something be wrong? Is it serious? Do you need to see an emergency dentist? What should you do in this situation? In this post, we’ll answer these questions, helping you learn more about tooth sensitivity and what you can do to preserve your healthy smile.


Dental Insurance Benefits Just Renewed! It’s a Great Time To See a Dentist

January 7, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 5:44 pm
Computer screen that reads, Dental Benefits

Most dental insurance plans begin on January 1st, which is when the annual maximum (the amount of money insurance will pay for your dental work) “re-sets.” This amount is typically between $750 and $1,500 per person, but anything that isn’t used by December 31st is simply lost. And while it may seem like you have plenty of time in the year to schedule your dental work, but you would be surprised at how many people put it off until it’s too late. In fact, that accounts for billions of dollars that are lost each year in unused dental insurance benefits! This year, you can take advantage of your insurance and improve your oral health affordably, but it’s important to schedule early on. Keep reading to get an idea of what your insurance covers and which procedures you may want to schedule. With this information, you’ll keep your smile (and your wallet) a lot happier in 2020! 


Holiday Survival Guide for Your Smile: 3 Tips for Avoiding Emergencies

December 11, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — drjohnson @ 4:17 pm
Smiling seniors during the holidays

You probably haven’t included a trip to the emergency dentist in your holiday plans, but if you skip out on your oral hygiene routine once too often or overindulge on seasonal sweets, you could end up with cavities and cracked teeth during what’s supposed to be a time of joy and celebration. The good news is that there’s plenty you can do to keep your teeth safe even during the hustle and bustle of the season. Follow these 3 simple steps to keep your smile intact and avoid a holiday dental emergency.

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